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Bylaws: PANC | Personnel Administrators of NC


UNINCORPORATED NON-PROFIT April 9, 2008; Amended April 9, 2014; Amended April 30, 2021;
Amended October 19, 2022



The Personnel Administrators of North Carolina (PANC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing professional growth and development for all public educators whose major job function falls within the definition of public school personnel administrator. The Personnel Administrators of North Carolina believe highly trained personnel professionals are essential for the recruitment and retention of quality educators for the classrooms in North Carolina’s school districts. 

Article I – Name 

The name of this organization shall be Personnel Administrators of North Carolina. 

Article II – Purpose 

Section 1. The organization is organized and shall at all times be operated exclusively for professional membership and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Section 2. In furtherance of the foregoing purposes, this organization shall:

A. Continue to focus on professional development.

B. Foster the staffing of school systems with the highest qualified individuals available by: 

a. Encouraging the use of high standards for recruitment, selection, retention, and promotion of all school personnel; 

b. Promoting awareness of cultural diversity and equal employment opportunities for all persons; and 

c. Promoting sound training and licensure practices. 

C. Encourage and assist in the development and utilization of sound, ethical school personnel administration practices by: 

a. Supporting laws and procedures designed to promote positive employer employee relations; and 

b. Assisting members in becoming knowledgeable in the legal aspects of employer-employee relations. 

D. Advance the cause of public education generally by: 

a. Developing professional standards for school personnel administrators; and 

b. Improving the competency of school personnel administrators. 


Article III – Membership 

Section 1. Defining Membership 

Membership shall be open to all North Carolina public school professional staff members who spend fifty percent or more of their time on personnel administration duties. These duties include staffing the school system; managing systems of performance evaluation; conducting employee training; administering salary and benefit plans; receiving and resolving employee grievances; developing and monitoring personnel policies; assuring compliance with laws and regulations governing employment. In addition, membership shall be open to those whose assigned work includes functions in other institutions; persons responsible for staff development who serve under the direct supervision of a personnel administrator; college or  university faculty in the area of school personnel administration; or individuals involved in teacher testing, teacher recruitment and retention, teacher placement, educational research, or  the preparation of school personnel administrators. 

Section 2. Categories of Membership 

There are four categories of membership: Active, Retired, Associate and Honorary.  Voting and office- holding rights are determined by membership category. 

A. Active – Membership for school personnel who spend fifty percent or more of their time on personnel administration duties, which include staffing the school system; managing systems of performance evaluation; conducting employee training; administering salary and benefit plans; receiving and resolving employee grievances; developing and monitoring personnel policies; overseeing compliance with laws and regulations governing employment. Active membership shall also be open to those whose assigned work includes functions in other institutions; persons responsible for staff development who serve under the direct supervision of a personnel administrator; college or university faculty in the area of school personnel administration; or individuals involved in teacher testing, teacher recruitment and retention, teacher placement, educational research, or the preparation of school personnel administrators. Active members shall be entitled to participate in all activities and shall have full voting and office-holding rights. 

B. Associate – Membership for people actively working in the area of school personnel management, employed by an educational institution, or enrolled in a graduate course of study in educational administration or human resource management. Associate members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association except voting and holding elected office. 

C. Retired – Any retiring member is eligible for Retired membership, provided he/she has held one year of Active or Associate membership in the Association. Retired members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association except voting and holding elected office. 

D. Honorary – The Association may award Honorary membership to persons who have distinguished themselves in school personnel work. Honorary members shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association except voting and  holding elected office.


Section 3. Benefits of Membership 

A. Lower fees for participation in organization-sponsored activities

B. Full voting and office-holding rights for active members 

C. Access to information, including legislative updates 

D. Organization Web site 

Section 4. Membership Year 

The membership year shall extend from October 1 through September 30. 


Section 5. Termination of Membership 

All memberships terminate upon failure to pay the annual dues by September 30 each year. 


Article IV – Dues and Fees 

Section 1. Membership Dues 

Annual dues for membership shall be recommended by the Steering Committee and adopted by a majority vote of the active members present at an annual business meeting. 

Section 2. Membership Period 

The membership fees are due by the fall conference of the current year. Members will pay full fee if joining between October 1 and March 31 and a pro-rated fee of 50% if joining between April 1 and September 30. 

Section 3. District affiliation (future codification). 

Section 4. Conference Registration 

The Steering Committee shall establish Registration Fees. 


Article V – Governing Structure 

Section 1. Steering Committee 

The governing body of Personnel Administrators of North Carolina shall be the Steering Committee. Members of the Steering Committee shall serve a 2-year term. The Steering Committee derives its authority from, and shall be responsible to, the membership of PANC. In addition to other responsibilities, the Steering Committee shall:


A. Authorize any standing or ad hoc committees; 

B. Prepare the annual budget; 

C. Adopt a legislative platform, with active input of the membership;

D. Develop a process to identify a legislative monitor; 

E. Conduct business between meetings of the full membership; and


F. Take any other action within its fiduciary responsibilities and within applicable law.


Section 2. Composition of Steering Committee 

The members of the Steering Committee shall be the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past-President, and Regional Representatives. (An Executive Director or other support staff member(s) may be employed at a future time if funds are available). 

Section 3. Officers 

A. President – The president of the organization will take office following the 2-year term served as President-Elect or earlier upon any vacancy of the presiding president. It shall be the duty of the President to preside or to arrange for a presiding officer at all meetings. The President (or designee) will also serve as the PANC Communications Officer.

B. President-Elect – The President Elect will perform the duties of President at any meeting the President is unable to attend. The President-Elect will automatically succeed to the office of President.


C. Immediate Past President – The Immediate Past President will perform the duties of President at any meeting the President and the President-Elect are unable to attend. The President will automatically succeed to the office of Immediate Past President. The Immediate Past President is an ex-officio member.

D. Secretary – The Secretary shall maintain and distribute meeting minutes and mailings. 

E. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall maintain the budget and financial affairs.


Section 4. Election of Officers and Term of Office 


A. Officers are elected within and by members of the Steering Committee, and presented to the membership for approval.


B. Officers shall serve a 2-year term, beginning and ending after the spring conference in odd-numbered years. 


C. In the event of a vacancy during the term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by the Steering Committee. 


Section 5. Regional Representatives of the Steering Committee 


A. Active members of each of the eight state geographic regions shall elect one representative from their own region. 


B. The appropriate region shall elect their Regional Representative replacement for any vacancy occurring prior to the end of the 2-year term or upon the representative being selected as an officer during the representative term.. 

Section 6. NCASA Representatives

The Steering Committee President and President-Elect will serve as representatives on the NCASA Board(s). 


Section 7. Ex- Officio Members 

The Steering Committee shall select ex-officio members as needed. 


Article VII – Dissolution 

Section 1. PANC will remain an unincorporated, non-profit association. 


Section 2. PANC will remain a 501(c)(3) organization. 


Section 3. There is no physical location/ headquarters for PANC. 


Section 4. PANC shall register an agent to receive legal notices. 


Section 5. The organization will be inactive three years before its assets are distributed.  Assets will only be distributed in accordance with 501(c)(3) organizations. 


Section 6. The Steering Committee will remain “in control” of the assets of the organization. 


Article VIII – Meetings 

Section 1. The members present at the annual meeting or special meetings shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. 


Section 2. Three kinds of forums shall constitute a meeting – in person, telephone conference, and electronic.


Section 3. Steering Committee members may vote by proxy (i.e. send votes in advance or via another committee member). 


Section 4. The procedural rules located in the most recently published edition of Robert’s Rules of Order - Revised shall govern meetings. 


Section 5. A simple majority (51%) of members present is required for a vote to be affirmed, except for any change to the By-Laws which requires a two-thirds majority vote. 


Section 6. Reserved for future use. 


Article IX – National and State Affiliation 

Section 1. Affiliate Organizations - Any local, state, provincial, or regional organization of school personnel administrators may become an Affiliate of the Personnel Administrators of North Carolina. 


Section 2. State and Regional Representation - The Steering Committee shall elect two representatives to serve as liaisons to the State Board of Education, Department of Public Instruction, Personnel Division of the North Carolina Association of School Administrators, and other bodies as deemed appropriate. 


Section 3. National Affiliation - Current President of PANC will serve as the representative to AASPA with alternates being Past President or President-Elect. 


Section 4. Other affiliate organizations to be determined. 


Article X – Amendments of By-Laws 

Section 1. Members should vote on any By-Laws changes at a regular meeting of the organization. 


Section 2. A two-thirds majority vote of members present is required to reach approval of amendments. 


Section 3. At least five (but no more than 30) days’ notice to the membership shall be provided before a vote on an amendment. The notice shall include a copy of the proposed amendment. 


Section 4. By-Laws should be flexible and should not conflict with local, state, or federal laws.

© 2019 by PANC | Personnel Administrators of North Carolina

Created in partnership with the NCASA | North Carolina Association of School Administrators

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