We are looking forward to seeing you this Spring!
We are excited to return to the Hotel Ballast again this year. If you opted to apply your Fall ’24 conference registration to the Spring ’25 conference registration, you do not need to register below. Due to the space of the conference room, we are limiting the number of attendees to the same numbers as last year. If you do not apply your payment from the Fall to the Spring, you will want to register quickly. If we exceed our numbers, a waitlist will be created. Individuals added to the waitlist will receive a notification upon registration. Payment must be received by April 11th to secure your spot. If not received, we will reopen to those waitlisted.
NOTICE | The PANC organizational calendar for dues runs from September through August. Therefore, membership dues must be paid before the Annual Fall Conference each year in order to receive the member registration rate. In addition, paid membership is required to be included on the PANC email listserv.
Click here to join or to pay your dues!
For questions or concerns, contact PANC President, Blair Propst
Registration At Capacity
Thank you for your interest in the Spring PANC Conference 2025. We are currently at capacity for the Spring PANC Conference. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please click below to provide your information. Please do not send payment if you are on the waitlist. We will reach out to you if a space becomes available.
Registration Fees:
Members: $225
Non-Members: $275
DPI: $125
Retired: $100
REGISTRATION NOTE: If you previously submitted the request to apply the payment from the Fall ’24 conference to the Spring ’25 conference, you will receive an email the week of January 6th from Angela Wood for confirmation. It will not be necessary to resubmit the registration.
Special Lodging rates coming soon!
Please send all payments and purchase orders to:
Angela Wood,
PANC Treasurer
400 Gilead Rd.,
P.O. Box 2848
Huntersvillle, NC 28070